It was July 1, 1949. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) came into being as a Statutory Body under the Chartered Accountants Act 1949. The primary aim of the Institute was and still is the regulation of the Profession of Chartered Accountancy in India.
In 1952, Eastern India Regional Council (EIRC) of ICAI saw the light of the day. The jurisdiction of EIRC spreads to the states of Assam, Tripura, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, West Bengal, Manipur, Mizoram and the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The founder Chairman was Mr. Molay Deb and the Office of the EIRC was located in the 2nd floor of 7, Hastings Street (Now renamed as Kiran Shankar Roy Road).
There are presently Twenty three active CPE Study Circles operating under Eastern India Regional Council, Sixteen CPE Study Chapters and Two Study Groups. The cherished dream of EIRC is to kindle the spark within - to bring members and students of ICAI closer – to make them not only good professionals but also good human beings. With the active cooperation of members and students this society would be a better place to live in. Its time to take stock of activities, performance and outcome and plan appropriately for the future.
Days to Recall On 10th December, 1975, the foundation stone of the present EIRC Building at 7, Russell Street was laid by the then Chief Justice, Calcutta High Court. On 14th April, 1977, the Building was inaugurated by the then Governor of West Bengal. The New Building of EIRC at Rajdanga, Kasba was inaugurated by CA Subodh Kumar Agarwal, Past President, ICAI on 17th January 2014.
Diamond Jubilee Year On July1, 2012, EIRC completed its 60th Year, having been founded on May 14, 1952. In the Diamond Jubilee Year while celebration is taking place, EIRC is also looking forward to better and more effective service to members and students. The cherished dream of EIRC is to kindle the spark within - to bring members and students of ICAI closer – to make them not only good professionals but also good human beings.
Presidents from EIRC of ICAI The Institute has already been enriched by contributions from Presidents from the EIRC and each one of them has left his indelible mark on the Profession. They are :-
Members and Students – Growing Strength The number of EIRC members and students has been on a rising trend. With the active cooperation of members and students EIRC would reach even more greater heights in future. Its time to take stock of activities, performance and outcome and plan appropriately for the future.